Breaking News

Sabtu, 26 Juni 2021

$Haven token is the digital gold of the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem



I'm sure each of you would like to receive passive income and not spend too much time on this type of income. Do you often come across such areas where you will get pleasant rewards by investing your existing capital? I do not think so. As practice shows, many of these areas take up a lot of your time, or money, or knowledge, which unfortunately many of us don't have.

But what did you say when I told you about a very interesting way to make money on the blockchain? To which almost every one of you has access? Interested? If Yes, then read my review till the end. Anyway, now I want to introduce you, dear readers, to a cool decentralized platform called Safehaven.

About Safehaven

Safehaven іѕ а community-driven DeFi project built оn Binance Smart Chain. Safehaven giving thе opportunity tо thе community tо earn passive income іn BNB bу eliminating thе hassle оf staking, farming, compounding, аnd оthеr Defi functions bу introducing а јuѕt оnе function protocol оf Hold аnd Earn.

Whаt іѕ Haven Token?

Haven token іѕ thе native currency оf thе Safehaven platform. HAVEN token fights traders, whales, аnd bots wіth ground breaking mechanics: Simply buy Haven token аnd hold іt tо earn passive income іn BNB rewards & reflection interest. All Haven token holders receive BNB rewards based оn thеіr percentage оf holdings, making іt а great source оf passive income.

Haven hаѕ bееn engineered tо combat day traders, whales & bots wіth revolutionary tokenomics thаt rewards holders аnd penalizes short selling wіth а high transaction tax tо improve price stability аnd decrease market volatility.

Thе total limited supply оf $Haven іѕ 21 million tokens. Thеrе аrе characteristics оf Haven thаt liken іt tо thе Bitcoin оf thе Binance Smart Chain ecosystem. Haven іѕ асtuаllу аn improvement оn Bitcoin tokenomics fоr thе fоllоwіng reasons:


Features оf Haven Token

Scarcity: аftеr thе burn, thе total capped supply оf $Haven wіll bе 10.15 million tokens, lеѕѕ thаn hаlf аѕ muсh аѕ thе 21 million total supply оf Bitcoin.
BNB rewards fоr holders аrе payable еvеrу 72 hours. Haven аllоwѕ уоu tо generate passive income frоm уоur holdings rеgаrdlеѕѕ оf prevailing market conditions. Bitcoin offers nо ѕuсh reward.
1% burn оn аll transactions: All buy, sell аnd transfer transactions аrе liable tо а 1% burn tax, whісh acts аѕ а deflationary measure. Thіѕ wіll constantly increase thе scarcity оf Haven tokens аnd wіll hеlр tо increase іtѕ value.


Token name: Haven token
Token Symbol: HAVEN
Total Supply: 21,000,000 $HAVEN (just lіkе Bitcoin, but wе аrе burning 50%)
Safe Burn оn day оf Pancake Swap launch: 10,500,000 $HAVEN
Initial Liquidity Offering: 6,000,000 $HAVEN
Liquidity Locked: 3,446,820 $HAVEN
Marketing & Development: 723,180 $HAVEN
Safe Haven Dev Team: 330,000 $HAVEN

On thе day оf launch, 10.85 million $Haven wіll bе burned tо thе dead wallet tо supercharge thе BNB pool. Consequently, 51.6% оf thе BNB pool wіll bе unclaimable frоm day 1. Thіѕ рrоvіdеѕ extra security tо thе $Haven BNB reward system аnd wіll hеlр tо kеер іt аt а sustainable level аnd ensure іt саn nеvеr bе drained mоrе thаn 48%

Hоw dоеѕ іt work?

HAVEN wаѕ mаdе tо reward holders. Evеrу transaction (buy, sell, оr send) hаѕ а 16% fee
9% gоеѕ tо thе BNB Reward Pool, claimable bу holders іn proportion tо thеіr % оf holdings.
5% gоеѕ tо thе liquidity pool, decreasing price volatility.
1% іѕ distributed аmоngѕt аll holders аѕ reflection interest, including thе burn wallet
1% іѕ ѕеnt tо thе burn wallet making HAVEN mоrе scarce wіth еасh transaction

Fоr thе fіrѕt 7 days аftеr оur fіrѕt listing оn PCS, holders wіll bе аblе tо claim daily (every 24 hours), аftеr thе fіrѕt week thе cycle wіll lаѕt 3 days.
Thе dead address wіll bе thе biggest holder, consequently, 50% оf thе BNB pool wіll bе unclaimable. Thіѕ mаkеѕ thе BNB pool mоrе secure fоr оur holders.

Thе burn wallet wіll continue tо accumulate mоrе tokens thrоugh reflection аnd оn еасh transaction, removing thеm frоm circulation. Thеѕе mechanics wіll increase еvеn mоrе thе scarcity оf HAVEN making іt thе optimal deflationary, passive income generating cryptocurrency.
RFI- Static Rewards — In addition tо BNB rewards, Haven holders аlѕо generate passive income frоm reflection interest.1% оf еvеrу transaction іѕ redistributed tо аll HAVEN holders іn reflection. Thіѕ hарреnѕ automatically аt thе time оf thе transactions аnd wіll bе reflected іn уоur token balance.

Antiwhale Mechanics

Alоng wіth thе auto-generating liquidity protocol, Safehaven hаѕ added ѕеvеrаl Anti-Whale/Anti-Bot features tо thе Haven token.
Transactions (sell/buy оr wallet transfer) thаt send mоrе thаn 0.5% оf thе total supply wіll bе rejected. Thіѕ wіll hеlр tо protect price movement аѕ well. Thе transaction саn ѕtіll bе carried оut uѕіng thе disruptive transfers feature іn thе DAPP.

Disruptive Transfers — Sіnсе аnу transactions (sell/buy аnd wallet transfer) thаt trade mоrе thаn 0.5% оf thе total supply wіll bе rejected, wе developed а tax feature оn disruptive transfers.
Whales whо mаkе а transfer (between 2 wallets) thаt іѕ larger thаn 1% оf thе total supply wіll bе charged 2 BNB. 100% gоеѕ straight іntо thе BNB reward pool fоr holders.

Whale claim BNB Tax — Top HAVEN holders hаvе mоrе advantages whеn collecting BNB thаn others. In order tо аllоw SafeHaven protocol tо expand аnd іn order tо аllоw HAVEN price, liquidity, аnd BNB pool tо constantly grow. thе team hаѕ introduced а nеw tax feature.

If claimable BNB іѕ higher thаn 0.5 BNB а 10% tax wіll bе applied
5% оf claimed BNB wіll bе uѕеd tо automatically buy bасk $HAVEN аnd burn it.
5% wіll bе ѕеnt tо thе marketing аnd development wallet

Zero-Balance Punishment — If уоu sell аll уоur HAVEN аnd уоur balance = 0, уоur collectible date fоr BNB rewards wіll increase bу 50 years. Thіѕ іѕ tо discourage day trading оf Haven.

If уоu ѕtіll wаnt tо collect BNB, уоu саn transfer уоur $HAVEN tо аnоthеr wallet. Thеn уоu саn collect уоur BNB normally, nо nееd tо wait 50 years. Remember уоu wіll bе charged thе 16% transaction tax fоr thе transfer bеtwееn wallets.




Haven is a truly deflationary coin by design. The supply keeps decreasing with every transaction. 1% of every transaction is burned. In addition, the Dead Wallet is a wallet holder for reflection interest, with 50% of supply, meaning a large portion of reflection interest from transactions goes to the burn wallet too.

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➡️Youtube: @SafeHavenDeFi


User Name : asus1155

BTT profile :;u=2587774

BSC Wallet : 0x1f03D5573F454F234a5fC51b29f2140b065eDE08

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Kamis, 04 Juni 2020


私たちは、ブロックチェーン、暗号化、スマートコントラクト、AI、Fintechなどの新しいテクノロジーを利用して、ジュエリー業界のエコサイクル全体に革命を起こすことを目指しています。私たちは、エコシステムを構築することを目指しています。これにより、個人(一般の消費者であれ機関投資家であれ)が、貴金属、石、ジュエリーの製造および小売ビジネスの完全なエコシステムに裏打ちされたビジネスに投資すると同時に、セキュリティにも配慮することが容易になります。 、監査可能性および流動性。 
GLDトークンは、Ethereumブロックチェーンネットワークに展開されるERC-20トークンであり、貴金属、貴石、および小売ビジネスのエコサイクル全体をカバーする基盤ビジネスに支えられた、真に民主的な分散型のコミュニティ管理デジタルアセットとして機能します。 。貴金属の安定性と基本的な価値、およびこれらのビジネスのエコサイクルにおける収益の提案により、GLDトークンは、時間とともに成長する能力を持ちながら、定期的な配当(報酬)でその所有者に報酬を与える潜在的な金融商品になります。さらに、GLDトークンはユーティリティトークンとして機能するため、複数の暗号市場で取引できるように、一流の暗号取引所にリストされ、シームレスな流動性と変換を保証します。 
GLD Tokenは、保有者(投資の最小額が低い個人、純資産価値の高い個人、組織など)に、価値を交換する強力な分散型ツールを提供します。さらに、それは、貴金属と石、すなわち、それらの採鉱作業、宝飾品製造のための完全なエコシステムを作成します。 
Goldarioは、エストニア金融監督庁(EFSA)とその親会社(ESC Management ASはエストニアに上場している会社)によって規制されています。 
トレーサビリティと透明性は、貴金属のサプライチェーンに関わるさまざまなステップに関して重要です。ESC Management ASは、投資先企業の進捗状況を追跡します。 
トークンの経済学の提案— GOLDARIO(トークンのICO価格:トークンあたり1.00 USD)
トークンセールは、ソフトキャップとして一般に300,000,000トークンを提供します。4か月以内に3億個すべてが販売されるまで、どちらか早い方にスマートコントラクトを使用して販売されます。価格はether / usdtで設定されます。バイヤーは、販売の終了時またはIEOの直後にERC20トークンを受け取ります。 
  • マーケティング活動は、9千万トークン、つまり30%を受け取ります。これは、トークンセールの作成と管理に一生懸命取り組んだすべての人々と企業に支払うことです。これらのトークンの1%はすぐに取引可能になります—それらは賞金とコンテストの報酬です。残りの2%は、販売終了後3か月間ロックされます。
GoldarioはG44 SAの名前で、ブラジルですでに確立し、インフラストラクチャを持っている(CNPJ:/ 0001から61 28.839.840)とすることにより、それはエメラルド鉱山(所有G44Mineração (CNPJ:31.975.883 / 0001から89)宝石はカットと研磨工場、宝飾品製造工場、宝飾品小売業VERT VIVANT (CNPJ:34.461.941 / 0001–44)およびHJOMAA E G44Mineração (CNPJ:30.033.381 / 0001–76)は、多くの埋蔵量のある金鉱山を共有しています。 Exchnage(暗号取引/暗号交換)(CNPJ:31.548.911 / 0001–81)、必要なインフラストラクチャを開発し、世界中に事業を拡大するために、以下に示す具体的な計画と野心的なロードマップセットを考案しました。 
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Sabtu, 16 Mei 2020

IBlockGame - The Best Blockchain Games Platform.


IBlock Games (IBG) is referred to because therefore, both as a company and an organization, everything is about "keeping things alive." First and foremost, casinos are, of course, business, but they are also a living and breathing community. The IBlock Games (IBG) team seeks, as its mission, to create alternative games that are lively, growing and safe for gambling fans. The main purpose of IBlock Games (IBG) is to operate in such a way as to enable online casinos to occupy a larger gambling market share. This goal will be achieved through two main strategies: first, by following only transparent practices, mostly through Blockchain technology,

What is a game, IBlock,
IBlock Games (IBG) means it turns into the worlds main game scene.
IBG makes use of the progress of the blockchain to provide many energetic Internet and multi-coin games, and theater settings for blockchain lovers and cryptographic speculators.
IBG strongly understands that the assessment stage is carried out by the customer, with the aim that it will provide a little leeway for theorists and players to distort the development and increase of individual IBG meetings.
IBlock Game Ecosystem IBlock Stage
Games (IBG) are produced using changes to matches, player systems, multi-chain and multi-coins. Apart from the fact that is monitored by bets and prizes, this can be useful and productive, this game looks like another cryptographic game, for example, an exciting game, a beatler game, because the player gets a prize with a flywheel and makes a bet.

1. Blockchain Games Markets
Blockchain game is the second largest cryptocurrency application market in the world after exchange. The game market includes different types of game playing methods, such as leisure chess, sports guessing, mmrpg, crypto kitties, etc. What is iBlock Games?
iBlock Games (IBG) is committed to becoming the world's top blockchain game platform. iBlcok Games Ecosystem
The IBG platform is composed of game development, player community, multi chain and multi coins.
2. Game Developers
The game developers provide the IBG platform with a variety of game types. The developers will get part of the benefits of games on the platform, so as to improve the enthusiasm of game developers and meet the needs of different players.
3. Game Listing
IBG platform provides the chance for game developers to contact more players. The platform provides core engine for game developers to develop and support in the form of game development kit GDk. Developers can use GDk to quickly develop games and access the platform, so as to obtain more players. Players can interact directly on the online platform to discuss the playing methods and exchange experience of different games. Players can vote to support their favorite games, or suggest that game platforms or game developers make popular games. BankRoll
Different types of game items and tokens will have their own independent game bankroll pools, and players have the opportunity to win rich rewards according to their own game skills. Operation
IBG platform provides players with free trial games, free tokens and other strategies by setting task mode, player ranking, bounty hunter, bonus pool and other operation modes, so that players can quickly start playing, experience a variety of different game playing methods, deeply participate in platform interaction, and earn rich commissions. The higher the level of bounty hunter is, the more users are recommended and invited, and the more commission they earn, the higher the return of professional bounty hunter will be
4. Bonus Pool
The bonus pool is composed of early investors, game developers, game platforms and player communities. IBG Token

What is IBG Token
IBG Token is issued by iBlock Games platform.
Project:iBlock Games
Token Type:ERC20
Total Issue:10,000,000,000
Token Balance
Fund Balance
35% will be used for platform technology development, including website + H5 , dApp, new games, etc;
This is interesting because more and more blockchain platforms support gamers to channel their favorite hobbies, of course, while earning money by playing games. Try to participate in this good project.
Official Information:
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Selasa, 04 Februari 2020

カルノマリ |最初の暗号自動車リベートプラットフォームは、オンライン自動車市場として機能します

car bene.jpg
購入を行うと、プラットフォーム自体は、進行中の操作に関するすべてのデータを慎重にチェックし、必要なすべての書類を準備します。CARNOMALY のすべてのプロセスは透過的で分散化されているためです。

著者 : asus1155
プロフィル :;u=2587774
ETHアドレス: 0xd83Ff1801D8588d5FB268989aA4241df99D3d59
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Jumat, 20 Desember 2019

Freelanex-the ultimate prime cois in freelancing

What is FreelaneX? 
Freelanex offers a trustworthy and fun online workspace. Freelanex is a decentralized platform that provides a system environment on the Blockchain. This is a unique opportunity to approach negotiations using a decentralized system with smart contracts, through a user-friendly interface. 

Freelanex introduces a clear and trustworthy transaction system and employee protection rights to protect workers from fraudulent and unprincipled practices - situations that benefit both parties. 

 A measure of economic freelance 
Freelance Economy is the latest and by far the strongest transformation factor in the global employment landscape. Until a decade ago, 'casual workers' were identified as individuals who work between jobs or work in part-time capacities only. 

The advent of technology and high-speed internet access is rapidly changing this perspective, with more and more professionals joining the freelancing train. Research shows more than 57 million Americans work as freelancers part-time or part-time. Likewise, the total number of freelancers in the European Union more than doubled between 2004 & 2014. 

Despite its increasing popularity, the freelance economy is troubled by innate challenges. Freelanex proposes an autonomous economy that addresses critical problems such as lack of trust, high intermediary costs, operational challenges, and the lack of a strong dispute resolution system. 

We aim to build an ecosystem that makes it easier to find legitimate freelance opportunities, reduce intermediary costs, resolve trust issues between freelancers and entrepreneurs, and equip freelancers with intuitive tools for efficiency and management. 

Freelanex plans to use blockchain technology for its platform. It intends to utilize the key features of the blockchain technology including transparency, conservation, security, and efficiency.  

The global loose industry is worth more than $ 3.7 trillion. In terms of popularity and adoption, Europe offers the largest percentage of freelancers (35.5%) followed by Asia (28%), Latin America (29.2%), and Africa 10.1%. The on-demand economy is transforming the global workforce, with more than 57 million casual workers in the US alone. Freelance demographics are currently dominated by young professionals, with 20% to 30% of the young workforce in the EU and US engaged in independent work. 

As we said at the beginning, we lived in a time that was greatly influenced by the technological revolution and other digital influences. And in many cases, this new technology plays an important role in our lives. At this stage, we can already think about revolutionary ideas and how to apply them. 

Through multidisciplinary studies, we found that there are defects in the independent economy and there is a demand to set safety standards, to build reliable business relationships between freelancers and clients. This is the reason behind our search for characteristics and standards of Blockchain technology to improve services and expand relationships between freelancers and their clients. 

This is the reason behind our search for characteristics and standards of Blockchain technology to improve services and expand relationships between freelancers and their clients. 
We think that Blockchain is the best tool we can use to create effective solutions to overcome problems faced by freelancers. This can be achieved by building an ecosystem based on the Blockchain to provide transparency and trust between customers and freelancers, our system is decentralized through the use of innovative technology solutions for new generations of new concepts. 

In addition, smart contracts will provide opportunities to create new concepts and implement data through contracts that can be programmed intelligently (while transactions are not reliable between the two previous parties). The system will examine every action, including the review of smart contracts and the implementation of the skills assessment process by participants in the platform in mass that cannot be completed. 

There is a good vision in battle. In addition, we aim to combat global unemployment and help motivate people - by providing free work to individuals. In this way, they will find their work in a flexible and smooth way and will be paid so that the whole economy will benefit from day today. 
Especially, Freelanex offers a unique payment gateway and various incentives through the use of utility tokens and wallet platforms. This gives freelancers around the world easier access to payments, currency exchange, and protection of worker's rights. 

Freelanex Mission: 
We believe in empowering freelancers and giving them a trusted environment to connect with job opportunities anywhere, anywhere and anytime. We have recognized that the environment for freelancers and clients is very volatile at the moment, and we have a mission to build trust and pleasant workspace for everyone. 

Freelanex Vision: 
Freelanex connects millions of casual workers around the world with job opportunities through a real work environment created to promote collaboration, transparency and payment security. Freelanex utilizes the power of blockchain and artificial intelligence to build the largest and most trusted online workspace environment for freelancers while allowing them to invest and get the same benefits through platform scalability. 
We envision a future where freelancers around the world will have unlimited access to growth and trust while working online. 

Why Blockchain Technology? 
Blockchain can guarantee transactions made between freelancers and their clients using smart contracts. Smart contracts are used to combine contract conditions to make automatic decisions - according to blockchain and smart contract rules - for everyone on the network and transactions in the ledger. 

World Problems Freelancers: 
When we think of all kinds of work relationships, the first thing we remember is "trust". Trust is very important in our professional lives. Unfortunately, finding a trustworthy environment isn't too common when we talk about the world of Freelancers. 

In fact, several problems affect these professionals and their clients. Because there are no integrated guidelines through traditional platforms, what we found was a very dispersive environment - where sometimes it happens that freelancers are not paid from clients, at the end of their work; sometimes it happens that freelancers are very late in giving jobs, and clients can only cancel assignments (a waste of time and without having to complete the work needed). 
There is no process to verify the data included on both sides to confirm its transparency or accuracy, agreements between the parties can be violated easily and the cost of paying for the use of traditional platforms is quite high. 

  • Lack of trust, trust & transparency 
  • There are no integrated guidelines 
  • There is no process to verify the data included by both parties, to confirm its transparency or accuracy. 
  • Amendment to the agreement between the two parties and the provisions of the Convention. 
  • High transaction costs 
  • High platform costs 
  • There is no or minimal KYC procedure 

Freelanex has been thought exactly to fix these problems. How can we do it? Thanks to the blockchain technology, that allows protecting both the freelancers and their clients. 

Freelanex and Unemployment 
The global economic crisis has exacerbated the unemployment rate among young people to the worst, with severe social consequences that many young people of the world are currently suffering from unemployment and lack of employment opportunities. 

 The solutions proposed to address them differ in turn from country to country The ILO points out that more than 73 million young men and women are unemployed & this number is still growing up. We have to do everything we can in order to offer some solutions. 

 We at Freelanex have the desire to help in fixing this problem, through the establishment of courses and laboratories and free online training in all disciplines available on the platform. This will provide a good source of income for many of those wishing to move to a better life. Other grants are free membership for one month for all trainees who pass these courses, to motivate them to work and use their skills in the Freelancers market. 

Freelanex Platform: 
As we have said, Freelanex is a decentralized platform that provides an environmental system on the Blockchain. Thanks to that, freelancers and their potential clients will easily connect - have the opportunity to work together in a trustworthy ecosystem - where all work relationships will be managed by our Smart Contract and will be guaranteed thanks to the use of blockchain technology. 

 All transactions between Freelancers and clients are irreversible, transparent and trustworthy. In addition, our system will be strong and resistant to all violations to protect Blockchain data storage. To provide security for users on the Blockchain there are standards and features, which will be automatically implemented by Blockchain - programming in smart contracts, to enable data validation in less than one second: 

  • Payment guarantee 
  • KYC 
  • Rule of law 
  • Security 
The Hyperledger authentication application will be used to maintain all events and records regarding Hyperledger, while the business logic class will be based on rules and special permission levels (together with Hyperledger itself). 

All trusted independent people will be gathered and added to our white list, to ensure compliance with judicial organizations for both parties - by registering data on the Blockchain until trust and transparency are found. 

The information and conditions written in this contract are impenetrable and cannot be changed by anyone: helplessness is one of the reasons we decided to use blockchain technology. 

Our added value  
After studying the reports and statistics related to the problems and risks faced by freelancers, Freelanex seeks to create a synchronized platform that is highly focused on freelancer support. This will be achieved by building a system which has the ability to reduce the percentage of problems and risks affecting the economy.  

Freelanex aims to add value by:  
  • Building the overall structure of common uuidelines in this field to verify data from both sides to ensure their transparency and accuracy.  
  • Creating a decentralized system to complete transactions and receive payments from clients (for a fee of 8% — 10%).  
  • Implementing transactions by using a smart contract, to ensure terms and conditions upheld in each contract.  
  • Building a solid market for freelancers.  
  • Reducing job search and display time.  
  • Upholding strong and independent market development.  
  • Ensuring a high level of technical readiness to serve and support users.  
  • Securing audits of smart contracts by the development team.  
  • Continuously improving the system for efficiency and flexibility.  

Freelanex aims to eliminate the fraud problem highly capitulated in the freelance economy. It is expected that the future of freelancers will represent a global economy dominating the labor market in various fields, and so, Freelanex focuses on protecting people’s rights in order to isolate them from fraudulent and immoral practices.  

Why Blockchain Technology?  
Blockchain can guarantee transactions agreed between freelancers and their clients by using smart contracts. Smart contracts are used to merge contract conditions making decisions automatic — according to the rules of blockchain and smart contract — for each person in the network as well as transactions on the ledger.  

Our system will be divided into two bases:  

User Data  
Blockchain can guarantee transactions agreed between freelancers and their clients by using smart contracts. Smart contracts are used to merge contract conditions making decisions automatic — according to the rules of blockchain and smart contract — for each person in the network as well as transactions on the ledger. 

Blockchain will also change the efficiency and security of transactions within the environment of the platform. Blockchain provides confidence between two sides to complete transactions with increased flexibility and transparency. Each user has his or her unique identity, encrypted on the blockchain, which means that each client can send money to a freelancer and maintain security until the transaction (job) is officially completed.  

This security class makes the transaction management faster and provides security by maintaining a financial record, whether the two sides are in the same country or not.  

How Does Smart Contract Work?  
There is a proven and strong incentive for taking control of existing central services and finding alternatives in a world that are moving faster and faster. The implementation of the main tool in this area of decentralization, the smart contract, significantly enhances and protects user data in a transactional sense and also makes way for seamless connectivity.  

Freelanex is here to offer a new solution to the mutual exchange movement, which will be enhanced by smart contracts, ensuring customer security and effective access. Freelanex is here to offer a new solution to the mutual exchange movement, which will be enhanced by smart contracts, ensuring customer security and effective access.  

Smart contracts are defined as self-executing contracts written in solidified encryption code. According to the Ethereum protocol, this code is used to complete and accelerate mechanical aspects of various systems to create a smart contract. This is done to explain data instructions entered essentially and, as a result of these inputs, protects the rights of all parties involved in the system.  

As contract terms are automatically executed upon transaction completion, payments are also automatically released when the system verifies that all data points have been justified, as per the entered smart contract. The Freelanex smart contract will be stored in a decentralized blockchain and is legally binding to all parties. Due to the distribution warehouse protocol, each process within the network will be recorded in a transparent, publicly verifiable manner, with full counterfeit protection. 

Smart Contract Guarantees  
How will the smart contract protect both the buyer (employer) and the seller (freelancer)? The smart contract includes and guarantees the following interactions between counterparties:  

Guarantee of contract.  
  • The buyer starts buying through a smart contract.  
  • Freelanex to protect the funds required in the buyer’s account.  
  • The seller will deliver the product.  
  • Within a limited period of time, the buyer shall examine the product and accept or make a decision in terms of the transaction.  
  • After transaction approval, funds are transferred to the appropriate accounts  

FLXC Token Allocation:  
The total token supply for FLXC will be 10 billion. A total of 5,000,000,000 tokens shall be offered in the upcoming sale. FLXC will be listed on one of the major exchanges before IEO following its initial token sale and will become available to the public for exchange and trading. Any unsold tokens shall be retained by Freelanex and allocated to Reserves to platform development and growth of the Freelanex ecosystem, its community, and partners. 

Allocation of Funds:  
The entire amount raised through the ICO will solely be dedicated to the development of the Freelanex platform.  

Token Sale Parameters:  

 Our Team
  • ABDULLA AL MARZOUQI: Co-Founder and CFO 
  • SHIVA DWIVEDI: chief technology officer 
  • DAVORIN DUCK: Communication and Community Manager 
  • FARAH ABBAS: Chief Business Analyst 
  • GAYAN LUCA DE SIMONE: UX / UI Architect 
  •  NAVIIN CHAPTER: Strategic ICO Advisor 
  • SYDNEY IFERGAN: Marketing Adviser 
  • IGOR KARAVAEV: Financial advisor 
  • ERIKA ROSE STONE: Business Development Advisor 

 For more information : 

 Author : asus1155
Telegram: @asus1155
ETH Address : 0xd83Ff1801D85888d5FB268989aF4241df99D3d59
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